B12 OTC Petition – The MHRA still dragging their heels and passing the buck…

B12 OTC Petition – The MHRA still dragging their heels and passing the buck…

I regularly bother my MP about our situation, I also ask for meetings with people who can make change – if they want to. I have yet to get to another one of these since my meeting with Minister Jane Ellison back in July 2016. I chased my MP again last week and lo and behold we now, 14 months later – yes 14 months… have another response from the MHRA.

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Eight long years…

Eight long years…

And the waiting continues. When I first wrote the petition to make B12 available over the counter it was spring of 2014. Thank you to every single person who has signed and shared that document. In order to try and progress our aim, I wrote a new petition which was...

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